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What Are the Best Practices for Post-Surgery Care After Mandibular Tori Removal?

Mandibular Toti- the name itself is self-explanatory.  The mandible is your lower jaw, and the tori is the “growth of bone.” This is what mandibular tori is: white, bony growth beneath your tongue, which is a benign issue, but sometimes, it becomes so severe that surgery is essential.

At Peace of Mind Dental Studio, Chandler, we excel in removing tori from your mouth to ensure that you can enjoy peace of mind without a bone poking your tongue.

This blog discusses post-surgery care tips for mandibular tori removal, which will help you immensely.

Read on!

Immediate Post-Surgery care

After the surgery, you must follow these instructions to recover quickly.

Rest:Get plenty of rest. Since mandibular tori surgery is minimally invasive, many patients try to return to work the very next day. Do not make this mistake. Rest for 24-48 hours and take your medicines on time. They will help you heal quickly. Also, use ice packs to prevent bleeding and swelling.

Ice Application: We advise you to talk less andget plenty of rest, or it might cause bleeding and swelling. Apply ice packs every 15-20 minutes. It will tone down the swelling, minimize discomfort, and alleviate pain.

Pain management: We will prescribe you pain medication. Take the medication as directed, and do not wait until the pain becomes unbearable.

Dietary Considerations

Post mandibular tori removal, your lower jaw will be sore for a while as the stitches will heal. Thus, you must monitor what you eat. Here are some tips:

Hydration: Drink lots of water. A dry mouth can harm recovery, as the stitches might open up. A dry socket is one such problem caused by dehydration. Drink water, but do not use a straw, as suction might backfire and can dislodge the blood.

Eat Soft Foods: Drink smoothies, eat yogurt, and take a diet of mashed potatoes and scrambled eggs. Avoid hard, crunchy, or spicy foods that could irritate the surgical site.

Eat Small Meals: It is advised that you eat frequent but small meals. Chewing for long might overexert your jaw, which will impact your recovery.

Manage Swelling and Bruising

Since the surgical site is in your mouth, it will also impact the surrounding areas, including your face. Here is what to do.

Swelling: Since the first day, apply ice packs and take medicines to fasten recovery. The peak shall occur 48-72 hours after the surgery. So, keep ice packs ready. It will be difficult to work in such a condition, so we advise taking time off or working from home.

Bruising: Due to the surgical trauma to your mouth, bruises might occur on your face. However, they will disappear automatically within a week or two.

Post-Surgical Oral Care

After mandibular tori removal, it is challenging to practice oral hygiene, but it shouldn’t be an excuse not to brush and floss your teeth. Here are some tips:

Do Not Rinse: Do not rinse your mouth for the first 24 hours or you might dislodge the blood clot from the surgical site.

Gentle Rinse: After 24 hours, rinse your mouth with lukewarm saltwater multiple times to keep the infection at bay and to heal the wound quickly.

Brushing and Flossing: There are no restrictions on brushing and flossing, but be mindful of the surgical site and do not hurt the wound. Use a soft toothbrush, and do not irritate the tori site.

Look out for Infections

A wound in the mouth can become infected easily as the number of bacteria in the mouth is enormous. So, look out for these signs:

Dry Socket: Inadequate hydration or dislodgement of the blood clot at the surgical site can lead to a dry socket, causing severe pain. Prompt action is advised.

Signs of Infection: If you have excessive pain, redness, or swelling at the surgical site, consult us at Peace of Mind Dental Studio immediately to prevent the infection from spreading.

Final Words

Mandibular Tori is a benign problem, and in many cases, it can be treated with medication. But when it becomes severe, then surgical removal becomes necessary. You must only consult an expert dentist for mandibular tori removal and thus Peace of Mind Dental Studio is your best choice.

At Peace of Mind Dental Studio, we are committed to offering you the best treatments. Your comfort is our priority.

We understand your concerns and are prepared to answer all your questions. Additionally, if you feel anxious about visiting the dentist, we can assist with that too.

So, trust us and book an appointment today!

Written by Dr. Silverman

Dr. Silverman is the co-founder of Peace of Mind Dental, a Chandler Arizona, general dentistry practice.
