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How to Clean a Dental Bridge for Optimal Oral Hygiene?

If you are reading this blog, then you are either planning on getting a dental bridge in Chandler or you already have one installed in your mouth.

Dental bridges are installed to fill the gap between teeth. Missing teeth can result from accidents, injuries, or improper dental hygiene practices.

Now, that you have dental bridges, the need for proper hygiene is more pressing to ensure the longevity of these prosthetics. This blog will teach you how to clean your dental bridges for optimal oral hygiene.

The Anatomy of a Dental Bridge

A dental bridge is a useful prosthetic that is installed in your mouth to cover the gap between your teeth. It can be a single missing tooth or multiple ones.

They are a good option for those not fit for an implant, as the bridge hovers above the gap caused by the missing tooth or teeth.

The dental bridge consists of a pontic with crowns on either side. It is used when natural teeth are present on both sides.

There are different types of dental bridges, such as cantilever bridges, which have a crown on only one side of the pontic; Maryland bridges, which have metal wings fixed at the back of the adjacent natural teeth; and implant-supported bridges, which use an abutment to fix the pontic.

The dentist shall prescribe the suitable dental bridge type based on your age, bone health, the number of teeth you are missing, and the condition of your natural teeth.

Dental bridges are removable and fixed. Fixed bridges are stronger and sturdier, and thus, you are advised to choose them.

The dental bridges are designed to mimic your missing natural teeth, but these are artificial and, thus, require proper care.

Check out the rest of the blog for the best cleaning practices.

Best Practices for Maintaining Oral Hygiene with Dental Bridges

Here are the tips to clean your dental bridges and maintain an optimum oral hygiene:

Brush Your Teeth Twice Daily

Brushing is fundamental to maintaining oral hygiene. No matter what dental treatment you have done, you must brush your teeth twice every day. It includes cleaning dental bridges with a soft toothbrush. Gently brush the bridge and the surrounding teeth to eliminate bacteria and control tartar and plaque buildup. Be sure to use fluoride toothpaste, as it helps protect your natural teeth and the bridge from decay.


Cleaning a fixed dental bridge with floss can be challenging because regular floss can remove the lodged food, but what about under the bridge? You must use specialized floss that can clean the bridge from the underside. Invest in a water flosser for better results.

Use a Non-Abrasive Toothpaste

Fluoride is essential for maintaining tooth enamel, but most toothpastes are abrasive, which can wear down the enamel. Check the contents of your toothpaste and choose a non-abrasive toothpaste that strengthens your teeth.

Use a Bridge Cleaner

One of the dental bridge cleaning tools is a bridge cleaner. It is a special tool for cleaning bridges with a flexible tip. It goes underneath the bridge and effectively cleans the debris. If you have any questions related to your oral health, you can contact us.

Mind Your Diet

Your diet plays an effective role in your oral health. What you eat is what you become, but in the case of your teeth, what you eat is reflected in your oral health.

First, stop relying on packaged foods and switch to fresh fruits and vegetables. They are healthier than any packaged food. Cook your meals fresh. Include dairy, meat, and fish in your diet as well.

Also, avoid sticky and hard foods as they can damage or get stuck underneath the bridge.

Limit consumption of carbonated and sweetened beverages as they wear down the enamel.

Book Regular Dental Checkups

Schedule regular dental checkups with Peace of Mind Dental Studio and get your teeth cleaned from time to time to keep your smile intact.

For the best dental bridges in Chandler, contact us!

Peace of Mind Dental Studio for Dental Bridges in Chandler

Dental bridges are prosthetics that are very effective in replacing missing teeth. What type of dental bridge you choose or your dentist prescribes makes all the difference.

Thus, you need a knowledgeable and skilled dentist to guide you in the right direction. At Peace of Mind Dental Studio, we aim to offer you the best dental treatment, including dental bridges in Chandler.

For any query, contact us today and book an appointment.

Written by Dr. Silverman

Dr. Silverman is the co-founder of Peace of Mind Dental, a Chandler Arizona, general dentistry practice.
