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How to Care for Dental Bridges to Ensure Longevity and Comfort?

Dental bridges are prosthetics that hide the gaps in your mouth due to missing teeth. They have crowns on either side of the bridge that sit atop the adjacent teeth to support the bridge and make your oral functions easier. Dental bridges might replace natural teeth, but they require the same care and oral hygiene practices to ensure they remain strong and last long.

If you are planning on getting dental bridges in Chandler, read this blog to learn dental bridge care tips and enhance the lifespan of these prosthetics.

Dental Care Tips For Dental Bridges

Check out these dental bridge care tips:

Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day

This is the essential dental care tip that one must include in their daily oral care routine, even with healthy teeth. With dental bridges, keeping your teeth clean is even more important. There is a possibility of plaque accumulation near the gums, which can lead to further dental infections. So, always brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Use a Non-Abrasive Toothpaste

As dentists, we witness multiple patients complaining of tooth sensitivity and their teeth becoming transparent at the edges. It happens due to enamel erosion, the culprit behind which is abrasive toothpaste. As long as you are brushing, you think it is safe for your teeth, but one must check their toothpaste ingredients.

The tiny particles in the toothpaste slowly damage the enamel as they scratch it. It also affects the dental bridge, ripping off the shiny surface of the prosthetic and making it weak. So, check your toothpaste and change it if required.

Floss Your Teeth

Flossing is a dental care process overlooked by most people, not knowing that this simple routine can save your teeth from infections. Flossing removes lodged food particles between difficult areas where brush can’t reach. This lodged food slowly rots, produces bacteria, and leads to infection. There are multiple tiny areas around a dental bridge where food can lodge. Thus, flossing is necessary to keep the area around the bridge clean.

Rinse with an Antibacterial Mouthwash

Never underestimate a mouthwash, as it can help you eliminate potential dental issues. Regular rinsing with fluoride strengthens the tooth enamel and helps prevent decay, which is crucial in maintaining the bridge’s integrity. Be sure to choose an alcohol-free mouthwash to avoid dry mouth, which can lead to oral health issues over time.

Change Your Diet

With dental bridges in your mouth, you must be careful and change your diet, which doesn’t affect the bridges. Switch to healthy and freshly cooked meals. Include more green leafy vegetables and fruits in your diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables have all the nutrients required to keep your body and teeth healthy.

Avoid sticky, chewy, and hard foods, as they affect your oral health. Sticky foods stick to your teeth and cause bacteria production. Hard foods can lead to cracks in teeth, which aren’t often visible and cause tooth sensitivity. Similarly, sticky foods like caramel, chewing gum, or taffy can pull on the bridge and create problems.

Pay attention to your chewing habits. Altering your eating style can help protect your dental bridges. Do dental bridges feel inconvenient? Consider the gap they fill and the investment you made. They necessitate some minor dietary adjustments to enhance and support your dental health.

Regular Dental Checkup

It is good practice to visit the dentist every six months to ensure that your dental health is great and there aren’t potential problems. These dental visits can help avoid bigger issues, such as missing teeth that lead to dental bridges.

Once you have a dental bridge installed, it is advised to visit Peace of Mind Dental Studio regularly so we can check for any signs of wear and tear, decay, or damage to the supporting teeth.

During the post-bridge visits, we take x-rays and examine your mouth for any decay and health of the underlying bone that supports the bridge. It helps avoid potential dental problems down the road.

Address Teeth Grinding

If you suffer from Bruxism (teeth grinding), consult us, as it is detrimental to your dental bridges. Grinding can cause excessive wear on the bridge and the supporting teeth, leading to discomfort and shortening the bridge’s lifespan. For nighttime grinders, mouth guards are prescribed, which ensures no snoring and no damage to the dental bridges.

Peace of Mind Dental Studio for Dental Bridges

The average dental bridge cost in Chandler is $1500-$5000. They are a costly investment in your dental health, and thus, you must choose an expert dentist for permanent dental bridges.

Peace of Mind Dental Studio in Chandler is the best family dentistry in Chandler for all dental health problems. We excel in our work, which has led us to become the best in Chandler. Be it the simplest procedures, such as dental cleaning or dental implants, you can trust us.

For more details on how to ensure the longevity of your dental bridges, book an appointment today!

Written by Dr. Silverman

Dr. Silverman is the co-founder of Peace of Mind Dental, a Chandler Arizona, general dentistry practice.
