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Easing Dental Anxiety: Tips from Family Dentists

Are you someone who finds getting into a dentist’s chair difficult? Be assured that you are not the only one.

However, you must know that half-yearly dental visits are very important to maintain oral hygiene. If you don’t visit your dentist due to dental anxiety, even when you are in pain, it can lead to severe infection.

At Peace of Mind Dental Studio, your comfort is our priority. Thus, we aim to ease your dental anxiety by offering whatever assistance you might need.

In this blog, we have discussed some useful dental anxiety tips from family dentist Dr. Jeremy Silverman that will significantly help you.

Check these out.

What is Dental Anxiety?

Do you know that almost 34% of the US population has dental anxiety? It is a shocking number.

There are several factors, though, which are included in dental anxiety.

Fear of Pain: It is a common notion that you will experience pain in a dentist’s chair. It is not true, but it has caused some great anxiety in people, making them fearful of the pain and the dental visits.

Embarrassment: People who have never been to a dentist often avoid it due to the condition of their teeth, but if you want to regain your original smile, then embarrassment must be eliminated.

Helplessness: Many people have anxiety in a dentist’s chair due to the helplessness that they feel.

Negative Past Experiences: It is crucial to find a family dentist in Chandler who doesn’t scar you for the rest of your life. If you have one bad experience, you will always fear dental visits. This is even more important for kids. When choosing a family dentist for your kid, choose someone you can trust and who prioritizes comfort over everything else so your child’s first dental visit is smooth, painless, and comfortable.

Dental Anxiety Management: Tips from Experts

Here are some useful tips from family dentists to allay your fears. Check these out:


What exactly are you anxious about? Is it the fear? Are you embarrassed about your teeth? Have you had a traumatic experience in the dentist’s chair previously?

Whatever it is, communicate with us so we can understand your condition and what help you might need.

Try Distraction

It works for many patients when they are not merely thinking about the dental probes. At Peace of Mind Dental Studio, we use ceiling-mounted TVs, noise-canceling headphones, aromatherapy, laughing gas, DentalVibe, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, etc., to comfort our patients.

Bring Someone With You

It helps when you have someone around, such as a friend or a family member. Listening to their voice is reassuring for several patients, which calms them down.

Practice Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises work for many patients. We advise that you close your eyes and take deep breaths through your nose. It’s important to focus on your breathing and not on the dentist.

Try Sedation

While being anxious is fine, some people are so anxious that they lose their sleep or even feel dizzy sitting in the dentist’s chair. If you can relate to the scenario, you might want to know about sedation dentistry. Sedation dentistry is a branch of dentistry wherein we use nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and oral conscious sedation to put the patient to sleep. The nitrous oxide calms down the nerves considerably and helps get rid of anxiety.

Choose The Right Dentist

Many people have dental anxieties due to a traumatic past experience in the dental chair. The job of a family dentist is to ensure that the patient is comfortable and is not being pushed too far in terms of pain. Many times, dentists take the wrong approach and scar patients’ experiences for life.

At Peace of Mind Dental Studio, we believe in complete dental care and prioritize patient comfort above all. Thus, we have an in-house licensed therapist, Elissa Silverman, to help you with severe dental anxiety. She helps patients with traumatic experiences who might need immediate help, considering their deteriorating dental health. She is a great help for many patients. 

Schedule a Morning Dental Appointment

If you have dental anxiety and you spend an entire day thinking about your dentist appointment, it will only increase your anxiety. It is advised that you book an early morning appointment so you get done with it in the early hours and avoid it lingering through out the day.

Final Words

Dental anxiety is common and understandable, but when it becomes an obstacle in the path of optimal dental health, it is wise to seek the assistance of a family dentist who can ease your anxiety and make you feel comfortable.

Peace of Mind Dental Studio is the best family dentistry in Chandler where we aim to provide the best dental services and therapy for anxious patients. We value you and thus do our best to allay your fears so you can take a confident step towards excellent dental health.

Book an appointment with us today!

Written by Dr. Silverman

Dr. Silverman is the co-founder of Peace of Mind Dental, a Chandler Arizona, general dentistry practice.
